These past couple of weeks I started reffing more the adult league that has ethnic teams participating and that gave me an idea. A couple of months ago, I was thinking how best to say "Play on" in Spanish and there are a good three or four ways, but not sure what the official way is to say it.
Siga and Ventaja are two ways that come to mind. I will eventually look in the Spanish version of the Laws of the Game to see what word they are using specifically.
Possibly other ways, but it got me thinking with these teams that are many ethnic players that there should be a possible point of reference. So I asked the two teams, one team was mainly people from Uzbekistan and the other team was mostly from South Korea. This is what they said, though they also had a couple of ways to say it.
For Uzbek it would be something like Oyna which they said means play or dance. For Korean it was He (or possibly Je). They were a little more unanimous in stating the proper way of saying Play On. But as time goes by and I get more teams like this, I will ask them and document it as something I will call my "Play on project".
Hopefully it comes in useful to you when it is your game or you are ever on "Referee Jeopardy".