Again it has been a long time since my last post. I have been quiet online but in the background dealing with a lot of issues related to recertification. In Virginia, we have a new system that replaces GameOfficials Training which is what we were using for certification and for signing up for classes.
Now we use a system called OMS and to say that the transition has been difficult is a bit of an understatement. My odyssey started back in October when I couldn't register and continued until just recently when I sent my 7th or 8th email on the subject. And I had to pay twice so the state referee association currently owes me $85. Hopefully, they can get that completed soon.
But onto what I wanted to chat about today. I am going to be taking the instructor course soon and one of the things that I need to prepare for is a class presentation where I can cover any referee related topic.
What I was initially thinking of was doing something with video clips of fouls or incidents that happen on the field and what do we think about them. Specifically, fouls and whether we think the clip merits a foul, yellow or red. I have a few clips in mind and it should lead to some discussion.
I was also thinking about possibly talking about the Spirit of the game, that in a way goes beyond the Laws of the Game. But not sure if I have 10 minutes of material for that.
If you have a good clip or two of fouls that can be red or yellow, let me know. Or if you think of anything else that might be better to discuss than that, also post it in the comments. Looking forward to hearing what you might have to say. And hopefully, I can make 2020 a bit more active than 2019 was.