Thursday, July 31, 2014

Done with High School

I guess you could call it the end, though I think High School soccer and I just got off on the wrong foot and never really trusted each other. Well, I came to the conclusion that high school soccer is just not for me anymore and we broke it off. No more differing rules, no more silly, stop the clock criss-cross signals and no more "sportsmanship" baloney they seem to want to feed us with. At least not for me.

Perhaps it is because I am busy and have a kid who plays that level. This might have been the main reason why I disengaged with High School soccer along with the alternate rule sets. Either way, it certainly is the end of an era, until my kids are done with the sport and I have no vested interests in the outcomes of soccer at the high school level. I have about 6-7 years at the current rate before that comes true, so it might be a while before I go back to doing the "wind the clock".


Brian said...

HS is definitely different. I don't know what 'system' you use in MD or NOVA, but where I live we use the 3 whistle system. Sometimes the 3 whistle system works well, but other times I wonder if my partners think they are being paid by the call.
I'm in a similar situation as in one more year I'll have a soccer playing kid in HS. I'll have to scale my HS reffing way back since watching him play is and always will be far more important then reffing.

Anonymous said...

I officiate HS soccer as well as club soccer. I agree the differences can become frustrating, but all levels do need devoted officials. However I have never thought that anything related to "sportsmanship", at any level, was "baloney". Not sure what you're referring to but all levels need players and coaches to better respect the game, opponents, and officials.