Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Much ado about nothing

No idea if the title is spelled correctly, so my apologies if it is. On to the fun stuff from this weekend, oh wait, there was not much as my three matches for Satuday were cancelled out. And I did not have anything lined up for Sunday as I had a prior commitment. I found out that the league I was supposed to ref in does not have any rain days built in (at least for this season) so those games are lost completely. Oh well.

I did get a chance to see my son play and it is funny that I almost reffed the game as the actual ref showed up 5 minutes to kick off. It was in a weird place, not your typical park and it was out of the way for us as the visiting team (over an hour away from home) but the fact that he did not show up until right before kick off really indicated that he was also having trouble finding the place. Regardless, it turned out ok. He did not have the proper equipment, but it was good enough. At least he did figure out to change his shirt color when he saw that one team was wearing yellow. The one thing that really kills me about my fellow refs is situations like this, but this person switched to blue when he saw yellow on red (and one goalie was black while the other was green, so it turned out to be perfect).

In the other field, in a U11 match that was much more intense, the ref also had yellow playing white and he was wearing yellow. He stopped play about 5 minutes into his match and went to his bag. I thought to myself, well, better late than never, but when he returned to the field, he was carrying flags for volunteer ARs and still the same yellow jersey. Not professional at all. I have to insist, bring at least 2 colors (yellow and black) so at least you have the possibility of not screwing it up, with 3 you can play without any issue and only conflict with goalkeepers. At a certain point, you have to realize that you are no longer reffing rec leagues anymore and that you either should take it seriously or not do it at all. Maybe some day, I will become uncaring, but still, it is about doing a job right.

So have at least 3 shirts (yellow and black for sure, and if you do not have any other, get green as there are few teams that use that color). Most teams are Blue, Red or White (in that order, from my experience. And have some fun out there, but with the proper attire.


Anonymous said...

Do you think that applies everywhere? I am starting this fall and have yellow, but am torn on which other one to get here in KY.

YASR - Yet Another Soccer Referee said...

It really all depends on the local leagues you will be reffing. Do they use yellow as a primary color? The league closest to me does and therefore, black is the color of choice. But I would say go with three colors, at a minimum, yellow, black and red. And take a look at scoresports.com, they have a good sale going on, as well as officialsports.com with their older model shirts. Pick some up there instead of paying full price and it should not hurt that much. And good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yes the primary color is yellow as well. My assignor said that I should shoot for the black so that is of course what I will do. Just worried that at tournaments where refs come from all over they might stick to green or something.

YASR - Yet Another Soccer Referee said...

I went ahead and got all the colors in short sleeve, but have yet to use green in a 3 ref situation. Most do not have green, at least in this area. Blue is probably the other color I have used the least, but that is because the local club is yellow and blue, so the other three colors make more sense. If the local club is yellow and red, in your case, go with blue, otherwise, I would probably go with red on top of the black and gold.