Friday, May 11, 2018

Top 20 Honor

Well it looks like we did it, after almost 10 years of being certified and blogging about the troubles and the benefits of being a referee, we have been recognized as the one of the top 20 blogs for soccer referees.

Here are the details in the link:

But basically, we are 15th (out if 16 mind you) in terms of popular soccer referee blogs. Frankly, I am amazed that we are in it at all but hey, I am not going to complain.

I have added the Top 20 Badge on the side of the blog and if nothing else, take a look at some of the other fine blogs for referees there are out there. There were only a couple I knew about and most of them were new to me, so they may be to you as well. Enjoy.


captains please said...

Congratulations - and I can say more useful than at least one of the blogs ranked higher...just my opinion. Thanks for your continued investment into the stewards of the beautiful game!

YASR - Yet Another Soccer Referee said...

Thanks for the post. I always appreciate the comments. It is therapeutic sometimes to post and to think that others get something out of it makes it even better.