Monday, October 20, 2008

Blowouts and bow outs

Well, I am going to take a break it seems for the next week or so, as I will be busy doing other things this coming weekend, most probably. I have a birthday celebration I need to take care of on Saturday and Sunday has us traveling over an hour and a half for a match in Frederick, MD. There will probably be no reffing this coming weekend and probably no posts either.

The other weekend (Nov 1 and 2) should be interesting though as I am going to be doing a center for a U15 girls match and then two ARs for U16 and U19. I am excited about that as I will be centering my first set with full ARs. I am ready, I think...

As for yesterday's match, it was a complete blowout, the visiting team camped out in the home team's half the whole time and racked up 6 goals in the process. I called one offside, one hand ball and one or two fouls, tops. If all games could be like that!

Well, I am editing this post because right after I posted this, I get a call from the local rec league assignor who said that he wanted me to center and AR for him and the league's travel assignor this Saturday morning. So much for not having to do much this weekend. It will be a fun weekend after all! More to come later in the week or this weekend.

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