Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Starting off strong

It is the start of another season and this one is getting off with a LOT of soccer. The last really competitive matches I had done was in Alabama in December. I did a scrimmage in January but it was not really that competitive (U13 boys).

But since High School soccer gets off with a bang here around this time of year, I have become quite busy. I worked a couple of matches for the Premier League over this last weekend and now I am in the middle of working 6 straight days of soccer matches, mostly high school during the week and then a College Showcase tournament over this coming weekend. All said it will be 6 days and 15 matches in that time span. Never have I worked that many matches so quickly. I am on day 2 and I am quite tired.

But no rest for the wary. So far, I have not been that impressed with the level of soccer, so most people must be brushing off some of that rust from the winter months.

I was told that this coming Showcase tournament is going to be assessed by FIFA assessors (yeah right!) and one of the teams that I am involved with in the college showcase is from Ireland, so my first international match. But don't get too excited, it is only a 4th, as I believe that the center is a 4 or a 3. Never will get there, but hope to learn something from these really high level referees. More to come after the tournament.

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